How to Get Rid of Dry Eyes Naturally

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

dry eyes

9. Look Into Acupuncture

Acupuncture relieves dry eyes by increasing tear secretion and stability, reducing tear film break-up, and preventing ocular damage.

Research published in the Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology finds acupuncture effective for the treatment of dry eye syndrome (9). Investigators discovered acupuncture radically improves the outcomes for patients using lubricant eye drops for dry eye syndrome. Patients receiving acupuncture plus eye drops had a 76.92% total effective rate. Patients receiving only eye drops had a 53.85% total effective rate.

After getting trusted recommendations, check the practitioner’s training and credentials then ask how likely it is to help your condition and how much it will cost. Finally, tell your doctor you’re considering acupuncture before going through with it.

10. Invest In A Humidifier

Central heating has the tendency to dry out the air in your home which in turn, will cause dry sinus tissue and dry out your eyes. By using a humidifier, you can add some moisture back into the air. Having more moisture in the air means that your tears will evaporate more slowly. This is especially important during the winter (10).

Do your research before purchasing a humidifier and take the following into consideration:

  1. The size of the unit
  2. Cool mist humidifier or warm mist humidifier?
  3. Cleaning and maintenance
  4. Cost

Opening your windows for a few minutes on cold days, then longer in spring and summer will also help keep the air moist.

11. Cut Down On Screen time

Cornea specialists report that dry eyes have reached epidemic levels, chiefly due to the amount of time spent in front of screens. It’s possible, however, to manage dry eyes and prevent them from reoccurring by making a few changes in terms of the position and location of your computer. It’s particularly important to cut down screen time for kids.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Move your computer monitor from the window to avoid glare or superfluous light.
  2. Make use of adjustable shades, blinds or curtains to control the light during the day.
  3. Adjust the height of your monitor so that the center of the screen is 5 to 9 inches below your horizontal line of sight.
  4. Adjust the display settings so the brightness of your monitor matches the brightness of your surroundings.

12. Turn Away From Tobacco

All About Vision states that tobacco smoke is a known eye irritant, and worsens dry eye — even among second-hand smokers — particularly for those wearing contact lenses (11). Furthermore, people who smoke are nearly twice as likely to have dry eyes.


To improve eye health, throw away the cigarettes. If you think you will need help in quitting permanently, try these remedies. It’s also a good idea to schedule an eye exam. It’s also important that you tell your family and friends you are quitting, and that in the future you will need to avoid second-hand smoke. When it comes to smoking, it’s best to just say no.

13. Give Your Eyes The Luxury Of A Massage

Regular massaging your eyelids stimulates the tear glands and helps in preventing dry eyes. It will also improve the blood circulation to the eyes and relax the muscles around them. This is great for relieving digital eye strain.

Here’s to give yourself an eye-boosting facial massage:

  1. Put a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil on your fingertips.
  2. Gently rub the oil over your closed eyelids and around your eyes.
  3. Massage for a couple of minutes.
  4. Place your palms over your eyelids and cover them completely for another few minutes.
  5. Don’t rinse the oil off your eyelids. It will be absorbed by your skin.
  6. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day.

14. Go To Bed Earlier To Benefit Your Eyes

Dry eyes may be caused by sleep deprivation, so a deep sleep can really work wonders. Sleep provides your body with the time that it needs to heal itself. Moreover, your eyes, just like your body, require 7-8 hours rest a night to be in peak condition. By depriving yourself of sleep, you’re doing your eyes no favors.

The importance of sleep cannot be stressed enough. To get all the sleep you need, switch off the TV, put down your phone and get to bed earlier. If you’re used to not having enough sleep, try to get 7-8 hours a night for a week. No excuses. You’ll notice how much better you feel overall, and the condition of your eyes will improve dramatically.

Your eyes are, without question, one of the most important parts of your body. They shouldn’t be neglected, especially when it’s so easy to take care of them using these simple, inexpensive remedies.
