This 14-Day Paleo Meal Plan Will Help You Lose Weight Fast!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

paleo meal plan to lose weight

Week 1 – Friday

Breakfast: Paleo Bacon Pancakes

Bananas are loaded with potassium and negate the need for additional sweeteners. Coconut flour delivers the healthy fats of coconut without grain drain. Nutritional information – Calories: 500, Carbohydrates: 12 grams, Fat: 24 grams, Protein: 28 grams.


Lunch: Lamb and Eggplant Soup

Most soups and stews taste better the second day—this is no exception. It takes a while to prepare, so that’s all the more reason to make it the day before you plan to serve. Eggplant delivers fiber, vitamins B and K, a slew of minerals, and antioxidants.(2)


Dinner: Moroccan-style Slow-cooked Lamb

Any leftover lamb from lunch can be used for dinner! Coriander adds savory warmth while delivering antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits.

