Home Remedies For Kidney Stones – 21 Remedies For Effective Pain Relief

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

home remedies for kidney stones

10. Celery Seeds

Kidney Atlas praises celery as a natural kidney tonic that works as a diuretic, an antioxidant, and an anti-inflammatory (11). Celery seeds target the kidneys immediately, and by using it regularly you may prevent the formation of kidney stones altogether.

To make celery seed tea:

  • Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of organic celery seeds and steep.
  • Let it cool then strain and drink.
  • Drink 3 times a week, once a day.

11. Kidney Beans

The shape of the kidney bean is a clue as to which organ reaps the most benefits from it. They are renowned for being one of the richest antioxidant foods, and the fact they are high in fiber makes them ideal for dealing with kidney problems.

Fiber helps reduce inflammation and reduces your risk of cancer and all-around risk of death.

To use them:

  • Remove the beans from their pods, rinse, and boil in water for several hours. You can also use dried beans and boil until they are fully soft.
  • Use a muslin cloth to strain the water then allow it cool for about eight hours.
  • Strain out the water again, and then drink it for every two hours for seven days.