Home Remedies For Kidney Stones – 21 Remedies For Effective Pain Relief

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

home remedies for kidney stones

8. Horsetail Tea

Horsetail is a thin plant with the appearance of a horse’s tail. The herb fights inflammation eradicates toxins and bacteria in the urinary tract and acts as a natural diuretic.

To make tea:

  • Place 1 tablespoon of dried horsetail and1 teaspoon of dried dandelion in a strainer. Place the strainer in a tall empty cup.
  • Add boiling water, cover and allow it to steep for ten minutes.
  • Add honey to taste. Drink twice daily.

9. Dandelion

While dandelions are considered the bane of a gardener’s existence, their roots are packed with vitamins and nutrients and have excellent healing properties.

This ‘weed-like superfood’ has the ability to clear the kidneys of waste, salt, and excess water by increasing urine production.

How to steep it:

  • Add two teaspoons of dandelion root to a cup of boiling water.
  • Steep for about ten minutes and cool before drinking.
  • Drink regularly throughout the day until your symptoms begin to improve.