11. Heal Adrenal Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is often caused by stress, which wreaks havoc with the adrenal glands and entire endocrine system. Lavender calms stress and anxiety, reducing the impact of stress on the body, thereby relieving fatigue. Lastly, getting solid good-quality sleep using lavender oil (mentioned above) obviously goes a long way in combating fatigue.
Adrenal Fatigue Essential Oil Blend
- Lavender essential oil
- Rosemary essential oil
- Clove essential oil
- Carrier oil (coconut oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil)
- Place a drop of each oil in the palm of one hand.
- Add carrier oil to dilute the oils well to about a 5% dilution.
- Rub the combination on your adrenal glands, which are located on your lower back, just above your kidneys.
12. Soothe Aching Muscles

Anti-inflammatories and analgesics in lavender can be applied to sore muscles to relax them and ease your pain.
Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil in a tablespoon of castor oil or coconut oil and massage into the affected area. Castor oil reduces inflammation and supports the immune system, so make sure to give it a try.
13. Hay Fever

It’s true: there are natural antihistamines in lavender! These reduce the body’s response to seasonal allergens. Congestion, sneezing, runny nose and itchiness can be quickly calmed with a dose of lavender essential oil. (15)
Dab of oil a bit on the forehead, cheeks, and the chest as needed. Dilute in coconut oil as needed.
14. Treat Nosebleeds with Lavender

Unfortunately, some children and seniors suffer frequent nosebleeds. While they may be painless, they can be quite scary. Lavender can be used on children and will help stop the flow fast, healing delicate nasal membranes without a hitch. Yes- you heard it right, nearly all lavender oil uses are safe for kids too!
To stop a nosebleed, put a drop of lavender oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chip of ice. Push the tissue covered ice chip up under the middle of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold as long as comfortable or until the bleeding stops. Be careful not to freeze the lip or gum.
15. Dandruff

A flaky scalp is most often caused by bacteria, yeast, or fungi. Lavender oil kills all of these pathogens. Additionally, lavender hydrates and nourishes the skin to promote healthy hair growth.
Add a few drops to some warm water in a squirt bottle and shake well. Evenly coat your scalp and hair, much like you would if you were dying your strands. Rinse out after a few minutes.
16. Cold Sores

As you might know, cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Lavender contains antioxidants to support the immune system and anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling and itch. (16)
Astringent Lotion for Cold Sores
- 2 drops each lavender oil and tea tree oil
- 1 tsp raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar
- Combine ingredients.
- Apply directly to affected area frequently until the condition has cleared. Only use this method if skin is not broken.
17. Nausea

The same sedatives that ease your mind can ease your stomach. Linalool is a phytochemical in lavender that acts to inhibit stress-chemical receptors in the body, inducing a relaxed state. (17) Pregnant women who inhaled a lavender and peppermint oil blend found a significant reduction in vomiting and feelings of nausea. (18) Lavender oil uses also include treating nausea caused by motion sickness.
Apply a drop of lavender oil to pressure points on temples, wrists, back of the neck, and chest to help with minor nausea and disorientation due to motion sickness. Use short-term and reapply to treat long- periods of motion sickness such as on airplanes or cruise ships.
18. Lavender for Sunburn Relief

Whether a skin burn is caused by the sun or some other source, lavender naturally promotes healing and reduces redness. Topical application of the oil immediately soothes burned skin and promotes new skin cell growth. Aloe vera, on the other hand, is known for its effectiveness on burns and cooling relief.
Sunburn Spray
- 1/2 cup liquid aloe vera juice
- 1/8 cup extra-virgin coconut oil
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops peppermint essential oil
- dark-tinted glass spray bottle
- Add 2 inches of water to a small saucepan. Place over medium heat.
- In a jar, add coconut oil and aloe vera juice. Place the jar in saucepan and stir, waiting for the mixture to liquefy and combine.
- Once combined, remove from the saucepan and add in the oils, mixing well.
- Cool, pour into spray bottle and store in cool place.
19. Freshen Up Fabrics

If you love the smell of lavender, it’s easy to mist over the fabrics in your home. In addition to adding to the laundry, a lavender solution spritzed on furniture, carpets, and curtains will remove questionable odors and freshen fabric, spreading calming fragrance throughout your home.
Find a recipe for a natural, non-toxic fabric softener with lavender here.
Lavender Linen Spray
You’ll need:
- Small jar with tight-fitting lid
- 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) witch hazel
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 3 ounces (6 tablespoons) water
- Small funnel
- Spray bottle
- In the jar, combine the witch hazel and the lavender essential oil. Place the lid on tightly and shake well for 15-20 seconds to combine the two.
- Open the lid to the jar and add the water. Replace the lid, and shake again for 15-20 seconds to combine.
- Place the funnel in the opening of the spray bottle. Pour the mixture from the jar into the spray bottle, tighten the lid, and store.
- Always test the spray in an inconspicuous place before going hog wild, to make sure no staining or spotting occurs.
20. Lavender Air Freshener

Some people are very quick to spray stuff in the air to cover other odors or simply freshen things up. The problem is that commercial air fresheners contain plenty of chemicals that can cause everything from sinus irritation to liver damage. You can opt for a do-it-yourself air freshener with lavender to reap all its aromatherapeutic benefits.
Find a recipe here for a natural spray that works just as well as the toxic stuff—and costs a whole lot less.
21. Calming Foot Soak

If you don’t have time for a full bath to soothe aching feet, you can pare down to a foot soak with lavender oil to relieve discomfort. Plus, lavender oil smoothes the skin on your feet—just in time for those summer sandals. Lavender oil uses also include treating foot odor.
To make around one cup of scrub, you will need:
- 1/2 cup Epsom salt
- 1/2 cup bicarbonate of soda
- 7-10 drops peppermint essential oil
- 7-10 drops lavender essential oil
- Glass jar with a lid
- Mix the dry ingredients well and add essential oils.
- Mix thoroughly and pour into your jar for future use.
- To use, add a generous tablespoon to a tub of hot water. Soak feet for up to an hour.
Lavender is known throughout the world for its lovely fragrance and medicinal contributions. A bottle of lavender essential oil should be a staple in your medicine cabinet to address these and countless other common health conditions.
Try the lavender oil uses above and make the most of this incredibly versatile essential oil. To make the most of these lavender oil uses, carry a little tin of coconut oil with lavender and keep a spray bottle of lavender water at hand.