17 Best Memory Tricks To Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

memory techniques

7. Prioritize Organization

“Organization is a necessary condition for memory”, according to Psychology of Learning and Motivation (11).

When trying to memorize a concept, it helps to organize all aspects of that concept so they tie into each other. When done correctly, you’ll eventually recognize where you’ve skipped over something (12).

8. Embrace Emotions

There’s a reason you can remember the first time telling someone you love them, or being able to recount word-for-word the worst butt-chewing you’ve received.

If you can tie a certain emotion either very positive or negative) to a difficult concept, it can work in your favor (13). Emotions are tied to memory – so put them to use when you can.

9. Use All Your Senses

The senses of taste, smell, hearing, visual cues and touch can all help with memory. Use music to help memorization through alliteration and rhymes.
