17 Best Memory Tricks To Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

memory techniques

15. Get Enough Sleep

This one might seem like a no-brainer (pun intended), but it’s almost impossible to overstate the importance of sleep. Cognition and memory are impaired after just one night of poor quality sleep of lack of sleep (21).

Over time, this impairment turns into an actual deterioration in some parts of the brain. The good news: it is possible to make up for lost sleep (up to a point). Set aside 7-9 hours every night for sleep.

16. Exercise

Regular exercise is arguably the best way to preserve your memory and cognitive function in both the short- and long-term.

Recent research shows that the norepinephrine released during exercise triggers neurotrophic chemicals (22). These neurotrophic chemicals build neural connections and stimulate nerve cells to multiply.

You’ll experience benefits with as little as 20 minutes of walking daily, but a combination of regular strength training and cardio will do you the most good.

17. Chew All-Natural Gum

Chewing gum seems to work for two reasons: it increases blood flow to your noggin and can stimulate memory if you chew the same gum while trying to learn/remember the same subject.

Your sense of smell is your strongest link to memory, so you can even toy around with different gum flavors for different subjects! (23) Choose an all-natural gum to avoid unnecessary artificial flavorings and sweeteners.

As with any change to your routine or new endeavor, make smaller changes first.

Try one or two suggested memory techniques from the list and see if 1) you like them and 2) they work. If not, try another!


Most of the above suggestions are very easy to implement, and some of them are common sense for your own health and well-being. Take care of your body and mind now, and you’ll thank yourself later!
