6. Avocados
Excellent on salads and sandwiches, this berry is loaded with antioxidants, Vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc, manganese and omega-3 fatty acids. This superfood is great for fighting inflammation, boosting your immune system, and fighting the effects of free radicals [6].
7. Seeds & Nuts
Chia, flax, and hemp seeds are three excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids that fight inflammation. [7] Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts are packed with fats that are good for your heart and antioxidants that cut inflammation and help you heal [8].
8. Celery
While this vegetable is well known as a substitute for salt, celery also contains 20 different compounds that help fight inflammation and cell damage [9].
9. Green, Leafy Vegetables
Dark green vegetables contain Vitamin E and minerals our bodies need to fight cytokines that cause inflammation [10].
10. Beets
This lovely colored vegetable gets its color from the vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals within. In addition to fighting inflammation, beets reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease and contain enough fiber to help with digestion [11].
11. Tomatoes
Lycopene is the magic ingredient in tomatoes that makes use feel better, and there is more of this inflammation fighting substance when the fruit is cooked than when it is raw [12].
12. Ginger
This root is effective at soothing upset stomachs while also being just as effective at fighting inflammation as over the counter drugs ibuprofen and aspirin [13].
13. Turmeric
Has many uses, including fighting inflammation. Turmeric is used to help relieve chronic arthritis pain naturally and is reportedly more than or as effective as over the counter painkillers [14].
14. Cayenne Pepper
Used to fight inflammation, capsaicin found in hot peppers is effective in fighting pain from gout and arthritis too [15].
15. Carrots
Rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, carrots have the strongest anti-inflammatory properties after they have been cooked. Combine with celery, hot peppers, and ginger for a strong inflammation fighting stir-fry [16].