11 Signs Your Kidneys Are Failing

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

Let’s talk about the 11 warning signs your kidneys are failing. While it might not help with early detection, being aware of the symptoms of late-stage CKD is still important, because you can then take immediate action. It is possible to reverse your kidney function naturally, despite what you may have heard.

11 Signs Your KIDNEYS Are FAILING | Chronic Kidney Disease | Kidney Failure Symptoms

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a catch-all term used to describe any dysfunction involving the kidneys. Detecting CKD in its early stages can be challenging because the signs and symptoms usually appear late; after kidney damage has occurred. As a result, most people with early-stage CKD don’t know they have it.

Without further delay, let’s get into the signs of kidney damage. Watch until the end, to learn about the best diet for kidney disease, and the best and worst foods for your kidneys.

Talk to your doctor immediately if you notice any of these potential signs and symptoms of CKD.

Now, what is the purpose of your kidneys? Their job is to balance fluids and electrolytes as well as purify the blood from waste products by filtering them into the urine. The kidneys also produce hormones, such as erythropoietin (EPO) for red blood cell production, and calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, for calcium absorption.

When your kidneys’ filtering system fails, instead of retaining nutrients, you start to lose them, and waste products build up in your body. This occurs because the filtering units of the kidneys, known as nephrons, are damaged.

All 11 symptoms of CKD are directly related to damaged nephrons. Even though they can occur at any of the 5 stages of CKD, most people begin to experience them at Stage 3 or 4.

The first warning sign of kidneys that have diminished in function is:

Number 11. “Changes in Urination.”

Changes in urine are common since the kidneys’ main function is to regulate the body’s chemistry through urine. These changes include:


– increased nighttime urination

– foamy or bubbly urination (caused by protein leaking into the urine)

– increased or decreased urine output

– dark yellow or brown urine

– blood in the urine

– increased urge, or a feeling of pressure on the bladder

Next, we have Number 10. “Fluid Retention in the Legs & Eyes.”

Swelling and puffiness because of retaining fluids, can occur at any part of the body, especially in the ankles, feet, arms, legs, and also in the eyes and face. Fluid retention can also happen around the lungs and heart. This is because your kidneys have difficulty getting rid of excess water and salt in the body.

Coming up is Number 9. “Severe Itching & Greyish Skin.”

Itching is a common symptom of kidney disease; it can occur over the entire body, is usually worse at night, and can be relentless. This is not a normal skin itch; rather, it seems to go down to the bone. Furthermore, the skin may change to an unhealthy grey color. This happens because toxic waste accumulates in the blood, eventually reaching the skin. Specifically, this is due to elevated levels of phosphates in the blood.

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Moving on, Number 8 is, “Feeling Tired All the Time.”

The buildup of toxins in the blood causes you to feel constant fatigue, tiredness, drowsiness, and lethargy. Also, as kidneys fail, they produce less of the hormone EPO, which means your body makes fewer red blood cells to carry oxygen to your muscles and brain, and they tire quickly. This condition is called anemia.

Next, we have Number 7. “Shortness of Breath.”

Being short of breath can be related to the kidneys in two ways. First, extra fluid in the body can build up in the lungs, causing breathing difficulty. And second, CKD-induced anemia may also cause breathlessness. This makes it difficult to sleep at night and keeps your body in a constant state of stress.

Coming up next is Number 6. “Dizziness & Brain Fog.”

Anemia related to kidney failure means that your brain is not receiving enough oxygen. This can lead to faintness, dizziness, or weakness, and can also cause memory lapses or difficulty concentrating.

And at Number 5, we have, “Metallic Taste & Ammonia Breath.”

A buildup of waste in the blood (called uremia) can alter food tastes and cause bad breath that smells like ammonia or urine. You may find that you no longer enjoy eating meat or are losing weight due to a lack of appetite. And the foul taste in your mouth almost feels like drinking iron.

Moving on, Number 4 is, “Back Pain Or Kidney Pain.”

Your kidneys are located above your waist in the back of your body, and kidney pain can resemble back pain. This is because when the kidneys are damaged, the body produces pain signals to alert the person that something is wrong in that area.

Coming into the Top 3, Number 3 is, “Nausea & Loss of Appetite.”

Nausea and vomiting are horrible kidney disease symptoms that are usually coupled with low appetite and anorexia. This is mainly caused by a buildup of the blood chemical urea.

Number 2 is, “Abnormal Levels of Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium & Vitamin D.”

When you have reduced kidney function, this causes electrolyte imbalances, such as low levels of calcium and high levels of potassium and phosphorus. Huge spikes in blood potassium, or hyperkalemia, can be dangerous because they interfere with the way the heart and muscles work, increasing the risk of heart attacks.

When your kidneys are not functioning properly, they do not produce enough vitamin D, and your body is unable to absorb and transport calcium as effectively. This can cause calcium to begin accumulating in your arteries, joints, and kidneys as kidney stones.

And at Number 1, we have “High Blood Pressure.”

Even if high blood pressure was not initially the cause of kidney failure, it can develop as kidney disease progresses. This is because failing kidneys are unable to effectively remove excess fluid, which leads to fluid buildup and increased blood pressure. This further damages the kidneys over time and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.


To learn about a proven natural program for reversing kidney disease and living a normal healthy life, even if you have advanced CKD, click the link below.

Next, let’s look at what causes kidney damage.

The three most common causes of CKD are diabetes, hypertension, and inflammation in the kidneys.

Diabetes is the #1 cause, present in over 40% of CKD cases. High blood sugar levels in diabetics damage the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, causing them to harden and become less elastic; this is similar to what happens to heart arteries in atherosclerosis.

Also, diabetes contributes to high blood pressure, the #2 cause of CKD, accounting for more than 25% of cases.

Other causes of kidney damage are glomerulonephritis, which is inflammation of the kidney filters, low vitamin D, low potassium, and polycystic kidney disease (where the kidneys develop cyst-like growths).

Now, here is one important thing to remember. The tricky thing about CKD is that all of these conditions are often interrelated, as the core underlying factor is chronic low-grade inflammation. This type of inflammation is common among diabetics, people who are obese, those with heart disease, and those with specific inflammation in their kidneys.

Next, let’s talk about the best and worst foods for your kidneys when you have already developed kidney disease, whether at the early or end stage.

If you have been diagnosed with CKD, your doctor will have told you what to eat and what not to eat.

Avoid refined foods, junk foods, high-sugar foods, and high-carb foods as these are all damaging to the kidneys.


If you are in Stages 4-5 of CKD, you must limit your consumption of foods high in potassium, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as phosphorus, sodium, and protein, since you already have elevated levels of these.

The foods to limit for Stages 4-5 of CKD include dried beans and peas, dairy products, nuts, bran products, bananas, red meat, processed meat, sweet potatoes and white potatoes, tomatoes, and avocado.

However, it is important to eat fruits and vegetables in moderation to reduce inflammation and treat the underlying cause of CKD.

If you are living with CKD, you already have an excess of acid in your tissues and blood – this is a condition known as metabolic acidosis. Acidosis happens because your kidneys, which are supposed to remove acid from the blood, are unable to perform this function.

This causes an acid-alkaline imbalance which can lead to serious problems such as bone loss and muscle wasting, and worsen your CKD.

So, to remove acidosis and reduce inflammation, the best solution is to eat an alkaline diet, made up of fruits and vegetables.


Fruits and vegetables alkalize the body because they naturally contain citrates.

If you have Stage 4-5 CKD, one thing you can do is choose low-potassium fruits and vegetables. Another trick is to leach high-potassium vegetables to reduce potassium. I have included a link below about potassium foods in a CKD diet.

To restore health, eat 75% alkaline-forming foods and 25% acid-forming foods within each meal. Use pH strips to test your urine each morning. It may take up to 8 weeks, but when your pH test strips show that you are in the 6.25 to 7.25 zone, you can downgrade your diet to 60% alkaline-forming foods and 40% acid-forming foods for maintenance.

I have included a link to a complete list of alkaline-forming and acid-forming foods below.

Lastly, some of the best foods that help reduce inflammation in your kidneys and relieve symptoms of CKD are celery, leafy greens like asparagus and kale, blueberries, apple, watermelon, cranberries, lemon, grapes, garlic, onions, and extra virgin olive oil.

To follow a proven natural program for reversing kidney disease, that is specific to your cause of CKD, and living a normal healthy life, click the link below.

The next articles to read are, “12 Foods That Clean Your Blood Naturally“, and “The Best Way to Clear Your Arteries“.
