How to Do a Self Breast Exam At Home: Warning Signs of Breast Cancer to Watch Out For!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

self breast exam

2. In front of a mirror – with each position, turn and look at your breasts from all possible angles. Breasts aren’t perfectly symmetrical, so really eyeball each one.

Search for changes in shape, size, swelling, dimpling, discoloration, and the appearance of your nipples with:

  • arms relaxed at your sides
  • arms raised over your head
  • palms on your hips and chest muscles flexed.

3. Lying down:

  • Lie on a bed or floor with a pillow under your right shoulder and your right hand behind your head. Examine your right breast with light pressure. Repeat using medium pressure and again with firm pressure.
  • Gently squeeze the nipple to check for discharge.
  • Repeat procedure for left breast.

What to Look For In a Breast Self-Exam

A regular monthly breast exam provides a point of reference to note any changes. Many women have naturally lumpy or dense breasts and these aren’t necessarily a cause for concern.

Any change to how your breasts look or feel from one month to the next that doesn’t go away is the red flag to watch for. If you find something out of the ordinary, consult your healthcare provider.

Here’s what to look out for:

  • Change to breast size or shape
  • Breast skin changes: indentations, dimpling, color, texture
  • Lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissue
  • Nipple discharge, especially if there’s any blood
  • Peeling, flaking, or itchy skin on or around the nipple
  • Enlarged lymph node or swelling in the armpit.

Here’s a simple self breast exam video to help you get started:

What are the steps to follow for breast self examination?