How to Do a Self Breast Exam At Home: Warning Signs of Breast Cancer to Watch Out For!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

self breast exam

The Best Time To Do a Self Breast Exam

Monthly examinations of your breasts visually and through self-palpation (gentle pressure) are universally strongly encouraged, starting as early as adolescence after the breasts have stopped growing. (5)

They are highly effective, accounting for most of the reported incidences of breast cancer (more than mammography). (6)

Self examinations should be done the week after your menstrual period ends (when breasts are least swollen); post-menopausal women should perform their exams the same time each month.

How to do a Self Breast Exam

In all positions, use the pads of your fingers and begin at the outer part of the breast, working in concentric circles to the nipple. Breast tissue goes all the way up into the armpit, so palpate there, too.

Feel for anything unusual, including lumps, thick spots, or any changes to skin. Take your time and go over the entire surface and surrounding areas of the breast. Make sure you check both breasts.

1. In the shower or bath

Wet skin allows your fingers to glide over your skin without friction.
