How to Do a Self Breast Exam At Home: Warning Signs of Breast Cancer to Watch Out For!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

self breast exam

Doing a self breast exam every now and then can go a long way in preventing cancer growth. Breast cancer is the most common type in women worldwide, with higher rates in developed countries. (1)

There are many risk factors for breast cancer and the overall risk of developing the disease increases significantly after menopause. In fact, most breast cancer is found in women between fifty and sixty-nine years old. (2)

While it’s true that women with close relatives who’ve had breast cancer are more likely to develop the disease, it’s not impossible to prevent.

Consider this, 80% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer. What this means is that external factors such as eating healthy, staying active and other lifestyle choices play a bigger role in the development of the disease than your genes. (3)

Breast Cancer Screening

Routine mammograms have been recommended for women over forty for decades. Women march dutifully into their doctors’ offices for their annual exams, thinking they are putting themselves in the best position to catch cancer early.

This is another example of conventional medical wisdom misleading us: mammograms detect cancerous tumors no sooner or more effectively than self-palpation.

Moreover, there is significant evidence that regular mammograms can actually cause breast cancer by virtue of the radiation and extreme pressure applied to the breasts. Studies into the accuracy of breast cancer screening in the form of mammography have found serious flaws.

In addition, research has found that undergoing regular mammograms does not translate into reduced risk of mortality from the disease. (4)

If you are at increased risk for breast cancer, consider asking your doctor for thermography instead; it is much safer and more accurate than mammography.
