21. Egg McMuffin – Veggie Scramble

It’s hard to get anything healthy at most fast food restaurants, and morning breakfast sandwiches are no different.
The high-carbohydrate muffin and processed cheese will do you no favors as you start your day – not to mention the reconstituted powdered egg product.
Make yourself an easy veggie scramble in the morning instead (you can even microwave it if you need to).
Contrary to several now-debunked popular beliefs, you should eat the whole egg for the best benefits. Eggs are high in healthy cholesterol, and a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals – most of which are contained in the egg yolk.
Add in your favorite vegetables for some flavor and natural fiber to keep you full for hours afterwards.
22. Soda – Anti-Anxiety Drink

Soda, pop, coke… whatever you call them, they’re all bad for you. Carbonated drinks in and of themselves are not always bad; it’s the added artificial flavoring and sweeteners that will do you in.
Opt for naturally flavored beverages such as water, unsweetened teas, or make your own anti-anxiety drink. Containing magnesium, lemon, and an all-natural sweetener, this little elixir will give you your lemon-lime soda fix while boosting your energy levels and lowering your anxiety.
23. Sour Cream – Greek Yogurt

Sour cream is a popular condiment for everything from baked potatoes to tacos, but it is a dairy product that causes many people to run to the bathroom in distress a few hours later. Greek yogurt can provide you the same tangy flavor and creamy texture with a much higher nutritional value compared to sour cream.
While greek yogurt is also a dairy product, it contains beneficial probiotics (good gut bacteria) that aid in digestion and also support the body’s immune system.
24. Store-Bought Salad Dressings – Olive Oil and Vinegar

Salad dressings are full of thickeners and added sweeteners (real and artificial). Plus, dousing a perfectly healthy salad in something like Thousand Island dressing turns a potentially healthy meal into a full-blown fat bomb.
Olive oil is a plant-based fat that not only tastes good but has multiple benefits for your body. The cornerstone of the universally beneficial Mediterranean Diet, olive oil is rich in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. It may even help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, according to recent research.
There are several different types of vinegar from red wine vinegar, tarragon vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and more – each with their own unique flavor and health benefits. These options are great for variety in your diet, but none of them rival the awesome health powerhouse that is apple cider vinegar.
From helping with weight loss, acid reflux, leg cramps, and aiding digestion, there is very little that apple cider vinegar won’t do to improve your health. Even if you don’t use it on your salads, apple cider vinegar should be a part of your daily regimen.
25. Sugar – Ceylon Cinnamon

Sugar is one area where the scientific evidence is non-disputable: the less sugar in your diet (particularly refined sugar), the better. Dietary sugar is one of the leading causes of inflammation, and over time inflammation contributes to the development of disease (which disease is dependent on a number of other factors, such as your genetics). The more you can cut sugar out of your diet, the better!
Whenever possible, replace sugar with ceylon cinnamon. Cinnamon sticks, cinnamon powder, cinnamon essential oil – all of them are amazing! It has a natural sweetness other spices lack, and was found to be high in antioxidants.
Cinnamon is well-known for its proven ability to help improve insulin sensitivity and fight inflammation – two areas sugar makes worse. Just make sure to look for ceylon cinnamon when purchasing at your local grocery store.