How To Correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt With These 13 Stretches

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

anterior pelvic tilt

1. Lying Pelvic Tilt

Often we don’t realize that our pelvis is angled forward. To highlight this and gently practice moving the pelvis into a posterior position, the easiest way is by lying on your back on the floor.

How to do a pelvic tilt lying down
  1. Lie on your back, hands at your sides, with your knees bent and hip-width apart. Feet should be flat on the floor at 45° angles away from your body.
  2. Press your lower back down into the floor, drawing your belly button towards your spine.
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax for several seconds.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

2. Standing Pelvic Tilt

This exercise almost identical to the Lying Pelvic Tilt exercise but with your back against a wall instead of on the floor. You may find it more effective to control the position of your lower back while standing in order to become accustomed to doing so while you walk and stand throughout the day.

How to Do a Standing Pelvic Tilt | Back Workout
  1. For the first few times you do this exercise, stand with your back flat against the wall.
  2. Press the lower back against the wall while keeping your shoulders and hips against the wall and knees straight.
  3. Hold the position for 10 seconds then relax and repeat 10 times.

3. Hip Hinge Pattern

This pelvic exercise focuses all muscle flexion and extension on the hip joints. In this way, muscles at both the front and back of the pelvis are stretched and contracted to engage essential muscle balance. It’s important to keep the spine straight, in a neutral position, throughout the exercise to prevent strain and target the desired muscles. Core muscle strength is required to maintain the spine’s position so concentrate on that while doing the exercise.

How to Do Cable Pull Throughs
  1. With your back to a cable machine, stand with your feet hip-width part.
  2. Hold the rope attachment in front of your hips with the cable traveling through your legs.
  3. Bend at the waist and sit your hips back until your torso is at a 45-degree angle.
  4. Take a few steps forward to get more resistance in the cable.
  5. Keeping your back straight, bend at the hip and bring your back parallel to the ground.
  6. Explosively extend your hips to stand up to the starting position.

To perform this exercise properly, be mindful of the following:

  • Use a slightly wider stance than normal and think about pushing the knees out.
  • Don’t revert to a squat pattern. Sit back into the “stretch” or hip hinge pattern. It’s not an up and down motion but rather a back and forth motion.
  • Push your hips or hamstrings back as if you’re trying to tap a wall with your butt. Keep doing so until your hands are past your knees. Many lifters make the mistake of “crowding their groin” and omit the whole reaching-through portion.
  • Maintain a neutral spine at all times. That means to maintain the natural curvature of your upper and lower back by not allowing the upper back to round while the lower back stays arched.
  • Your head follows the hinge. This ensures a packed or chin-tucked pattern throughout. In this way, you’re less likely to hyperextend the neck and cause undue stress.

4. Do the Plank Challenge

Planks are an all-around exercise, strengthening the core and back. Keep your body straight, in a neutral position. Keep elbows under your shoulders, legs and back straight, head in line with your spine. If new to this exercise, you may start with a half plank and work your way up to a full plank. Watch the videos below on how to properly do planks.

  1. Start with your belly to the ground, keeping your feet at hip’s width apart and your palms beside your chest at shoulder’s width apart. This starting position should resemble a push-up position.
  2. Lift yourself up, placing your weight on your toes and lower your arms one at a time so that your forearms are touching the ground. Your weight should be distributed equally on your toes and forearms.
  3. Keep your back straight with your head facing the ground, tightening your core and buttocks.

Common Mistakes To Avoid:

  • Allowing your hips, head, or shoulders to drop, this can compress your vertebrae, putting pressure on discs in your spine and causing shoulder and hip joint inflammation.
  • Placing your hands too close together, which creates internal rotation and instability at your shoulder joint.
  • Holding your breath, which causes a build-up of lactic acid in your muscles, which causes pain.