How To Correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt With These 13 Stretches

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

anterior pelvic tilt

9. Leg Circles

The groin muscles work together to support the hips and enable movement of the lower back and extremities. They connect the pelvis to the top of the thigh and inside of the knee for mobility and stability. Muscles of the groin are among those most often pulled and take a long time to heal. Regularly stretching will strengthen them, providing flexibility, better range of motion, and a decreased likelihood of injury. Do this dynamic stretch at the beginning of a workout to warm and loosen muscle and connective tissue.

How to Do a Single Leg Circle | Thighs Workout
  1. Stand with feet apart and lift 1 foot off the ground and in front of you. Make sure to point your toes.
  2. Keep your weight on the heel of the standing foot.
  3. Starting slowly, swing your leg forward, back, and behind you in one movement, drawing a big circle.
  4. As you begin to loosen up, start to pick up the pace and increase your range of
  5. Perform 20 times on each leg.

10. Knees to Chest Pose

In the context of anterior pelvic tilt, weak gluteal muscles transfer pressure to lower back muscles to pick up the slack in the maintenance of hip and core stability. This stretch will align the pelvis, release over-taxed back muscles, and stretch the glutes, relieving associated pain.

  1. Lie flat on your back with toes pointed to the sky.
  2. Slowly bend your knees and pull them towards your chest.
  3. Wrap your arms around your knees, or shins (whichever is most comfortable) and gently pull the knees toward your chest.
  4. Rock from side to side for a few breaths to loosen up your muscles.
  5. Hold your knees in tightly toward your chest and lift your head to bring your forehead to your knees.
  6. Hold for 20 seconds and slowly extend the leg to starting position. Repeat three times and follow up with three single-leg repetitions for each leg.

11. Hip Flexor Stretch

Part of the problem that results in anterior or posterior pelvic tilt is an imbalance of the hip flexor muscles with the glutes. In the case of anterior misalignment, the hip flexors are tight and flexibility is limited. This stretch will help release those muscles. Concentrate on the core and glute muscles as you stretch; you’ll feel the pull of the flexors in the front of your pelvis.

Hip Flexor Stretch - Done Correctly
  1. Start in a half kneeling position with the left leg in front and the right leg behind.
  2. Engage your glute muscles while keeping your back straight until a stretch is felt in the front of the right hip and thigh. Further the stretch by engaging your core. If possible, shift your weight forward onto your left leg for a few inches.
  3. Hold the stretch position for 1 minute and then switch legs and perform the stretch on the other side.
  4. Repeat twice on each side.

12. Walk it Out

Walking is the most normal human activity. There’s nothing like a walk to set everything back into alignment, get you up out of the chair, and re-charge. From a muscle perspective, simple walking exercises activate your legs, back, pelvis, glutes, core, and shoulders. Form is important, so keep in mind the positions of your head, neck, and back as you walk.

Walking and anterior pelvic tilt

13. Lower Back Release with Tennis Ball

Releasing lower back muscles will relieve pain, allowing you to sit and move properly to correct a tilted pelvis. And it just plain feels good. Here are two techniques for using tennis balls to relieve lower back and hip pain.

Option 1:

  1. Lie on your back on the floor. Place 2 tennis balls under your lower back between the bottom of your ribcage and your sacrum. Ease pressure when rolling over the spine.
  2. Move your pelvis from side to side, rolling the balls across your lower back. Slow down the movement over particularly tender spots.
  3. Continue for up to 5 minutes while taking deep breaths.

Option 2:

  1. Lie face up on a mat or smooth rug on the floor. Place a tennis ball on each side of your upper back just below where your neck attaches.
  2. Place the palms of your hands behind your head in a sit-up position and raise your head off the floor.
  3. Lower your chin toward your chest, then lift your hips off the floor so your body weight rests on the tennis balls.
  4. Slowly shift your weight so the balls roll up and down to relax the muscles on either side of your spine. Breathe deeply while stretching and continue for up to 4 minutes.

The primary contributing factor to the development of anterior pelvic tilt is a sedentary lifestyle: too much sitting and not enough moving. Strengthening and engaging muscles in and around the hips affect your entire body, including all internal systems. These exercises require little or no equipment and are low-impact; they can be performed regardless of your current physical condition.

As with any new exercise, start slowly and with care. Be conscious of your technique so you get the most out of it and don’t cause further injury.
