The Body Will Give You These 10 Signs If Your Kidney Is In Danger

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

symptoms of kidney problems

4. Skin Rashes

symptoms of kidney problems

Any time your body is overwhelmed with toxins, it looks for any way to get rid of these poisons and waste products.

One such way is through the pores in your skin. This can result in rashes, dry, irritated skin or even open sores.

While skin creams and ointments can help ease the symptoms, they do not help with your kidneys, so it is important to address the underlying issue.

5. Metallic Taste in the Mouth

Sometimes, your body can become so overloaded with toxins that you can literally taste them.

People with kidneys that are not working at optimal capacity, can often experience a metallic taste in their mouths.

Any unfiltered waste buildup can linger in your blood where it can alter the taste of food.

This buildup of toxins can further lead to halitosis (bad breath) and a lack of appetite.
