Eat 3 Peaches A Day To Force Breast Cancer Cells To Self-Destruct

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

peaches kill breast cancer cells

eat-3-peaches-a-day-to-force-breast-cancer-cells-to-self-destructThree peaches a day keeps breast cancer away.

As it stands, breast cancer is one of the most common cancer among US women (1). It’s been estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime (2).

It’s also the most deadly cancer for women worldwide (3).

And as weird as it may seem, peaches may hold the key to fighting back.

How Do Peaches Kill Cancer?

In a study conducted by Giuliana Noratto, a researcher at Washington State University found that peaches induce metastatic breast cancer cell death (4).

Peaches contain polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidant compounds.

These chemicals send a signal to cancer cells to encourage them to commit suicide.

The study, published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that the amount of polyphenols required to have this effect was equivalent to about 3 peaches a day for a woman of average weight (5).

According to the results, in just 12 short days, peaches were shown to reduce cancer-related blood vessel activity in mice models. Less enzymatic activity was also observed, meaning that peaches prevented the invasion of healthy tissue by cancer as well as the spread of cancer to other regions.


Other Benefits Of Peaches

Peaches contains two different kinds of polyphenols: chlorogenic and neochlorogenic compounds.

These polyphenols prevent (6):

They also:

  • Boost insulin function
  • Delay glucose absorption
  • Fight bacteria
  • Fight inflammation

Peach juice was also found to prevent obesity-induced metabolic disorders including hyperglycemia, insulin and leptin resistance, dyslipidemia and low-density lipoprotein oxidation (7).

We all know someone who’s had breast cancer. It’ time to stop thinking of chemotherapy as our only way to fight back.

As always, prevention is the best medicine, so ditch those cancer-causing habits and bite into real cancer-fighting food!

