This is what a panic attack looks like – here’s how to recognize if it’s happening to you

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

panic attacks

How to Help Someone Having a Panic Attack

When you are in the middle of a panic attack, it’s extremely difficult to step back and become objective. The thoughts and emotions swimming around in your head, coupled with the intense and frightening physical reactions, can make you feel like you’re drowning.

If you are with someone who is experiencing a panic attack, consider yourself the strong branch needed to pull him/her out of the torrent.

Apply the same techniques that you would if it were you that was drowning. It’s much easier for a staunch anchor to provide the coaching, calm, and stability that are required for a quick resolution to the episode.

1. Remain with the sufferer.

As depicted in the clip above from “This is Us”, physical presence goes a very long way in helping someone through a panic attack. Alone, the episode will most likely be more intense and of longer duration than if you stay with the sufferer.

2. Relocate the sufferer to a quiet place.

Very often, an attack is triggered when someone is confronted with an uncomfortable social situation. Anxiety is made worse when the victim feels watched and judged—embarrassment and shame often result, making the attack worse. If possible, move together to a private, quiet place to ride out the storm.
