This is what a panic attack looks like – here’s how to recognize if it’s happening to you

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

panic attacks

3. Engage progressive muscle relaxation.

Dr. Edmund Jacobson was a physician in the early twentieth century who developed a method for systematically relaxing each part of the body to help his patients relieve anxiety.

It’s a good idea to practice the technique when you are calm so you can call upon it when undergoing a panic attack. You can perform this exercise along to soothing music or a visual aid (such as a pleasant photograph or a video of waves on the ocean).

A study comparing anti-anxiety medication versus progressive muscle relaxation for anxiety and depressive symptoms found them equally effective. (5)

Furthermore, this relaxation practice is great for relieving muscle as well as emotional tension. For step-by-step instructions provided by AnxietyBC, click here.

4. Talk through it.

Be your own coach. Don’t try to hold in all the emotion you’re feeling.

If possible, remove yourself to a quiet place and talk yourself through the panic attack. Remind yourself that it’s temporary and will soon pass.

Fall back on the techniques above that you’ve practiced and focus on working through the moment, allowing the anxiety to wash over and leave you.
