Each Tooth Is Associated With An Organ In The Body – Pain In Each Tooth Can Predict Problems In Certain Organs

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

tooth chart

An Easy-To-Understand Tooth Chart of Meridians

Given the connection between teeth health and wellness in other parts of your body, following are some maladies that have been associated with certain teeth (4). A toothache doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a problem elsewhere; however, it is a possibility to explore, especially if discomfort lingers.

tooth chart

Here are a few meridians that connect to your teeth:

  • Incisors and canine teeth are on meridians that connect to the kidney, liver, and gallbladder.
  • The meridians from bicuspids and molars are to the large intestine and stomach.

These meridians link various organs, glands, muscles, and joints to your teeth:

  • Pain in the upper and lower incisors can indicate kidney, bladder, and ear infections. They may also signal problems with the lymphatic system and reproductive organs.
  • Molar pain can indicate anemia, stomach and intestinal ulcers, chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), hemorrhoids, bladder infections, breast health, rheumatism, and chronic inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Wisdom teeth, on the other hand, connect to the central nervous system, heart, liver, and intestines. They can also signal high blood pressure, eczema, headache, liver disease, pain in the extremities, and cardiovascular disease.

Specific Illnesses

The connections above can be further refined to a particular tooth and illness:

  • Pain in the first incisor can be a sign of a prostate or tonsil infection.
  • Chronic pain in the canine teeth can be a sign of inflammation of the liver or gallbladder (hepatitis or cholecystitis).
  • Bicuspid (premolar) teeth can ache as the result of an allergic reaction, intestinal flora imbalance (dysbacteriosis), pneumonia, or colitis.
  • Pain in the fourth teeth (top and bottom) may indicate joint pain and joint disease, like arthritis; also tied to the lungs and large intestine.
  • Bottom canine teeth correspond to the circulatory system and pain can be a sign of atherosclerosis or lung dysfunction.
  • Pain in the lower molars can indicate varicose veins, polyps in the colon, and respiratory illness (bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma).

Holistic Dentistry

The growing trend of holistic health has also reached dentistry, which is starting to view teeth in the larger context of full-body health.

“Biological dentistry” is a term coined by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.

“Always seek the safest, least toxic way to accomplish the mission of treatment, all the goals of modern dentistry, and do it while treading as lightly as possible on the patient’s biological terrain. A more biocompatible approach to oral health is the hallmark of biological dentistry.” (5)

A holistic approach to dentistry includes considering the mouth and teeth as part of the rest of the body and not held in isolation. Knowing the connection between teeth and meridians, you may want to find a holistic dentist in your town that will treat your tooth pain in a more complete and comprehensive way.
