Thirteen years ago, Croatian doctors told Ante Kresich that his lung cancer was beyond treatment and to get things in order and prepare to die. It’s unclear how he came upon using local raw honey with herbs, but he did, and he fully recovered.
Kresich’s exact formula remains a mystery, but a woman from nearby Bosnia shared her cancer-curing honey ginger recipe. Maybe she was his first source. It seems the Eastern Europeans are open to curing disease naturally without medical authorities threatening them.
Kresich explained, “I left the hospital in April, and in the summer I was already a completely different man. When I went to consult my doctors they could not believe that I was still alive, and also they could [not believe] the results of the examinations that followed.”
The examinations showed that he was completely cancer-free. Ante’s life has since blossomed with new purpose. His unexpected brush with death has showered him with many blessings. If you met him now, you might never suspect that had been a terminal cancer victim.
Today, he is brimming with energy and confidence with his honey cancer cure. In fact, he consults with people from all over the world who seek him out and are eager to learn about his medicine and how it might benefit them. He is also now a bee keeper.
He claims to have reams of documentation, enough perhaps to quell skeptics, dazzle curiosity seekers and provide solid hope to struggling cancer patients who are seeking a holistic, inexpensive, unconventional cancer cure that works.
Honey history and science
Stone Age cave paintings indicate that honey was used for healing 8,000 years ago. The 5,000-year-old holistic traditional healing system Ayurveda (Sanskrit word meaning “science of life”) considers raw honey the “nectar of life” and classifies honey into eight different types, each having their own unique healing properties.
A December 2004 BBC News article, “Honey could help fight cancer,'” reported: “A team from the University of Zagreb, in Croatia, found a range of honey-bee products stopped tumours growing or spreading in tests on mice.” Maybe the Croatians were impressed enough with Kresich’s honey cure to study it more closely.
The research team also reported in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture that human cancer patients would probably see similar benefits as well. Of course, they recommended that honey be used in conjunction with toxic chemotherapy. They’ll never depart from the Big Pharma path completely without jeopardizing their careers.
The research team, led by Dr. Nada Orsolic, concluded that honeybee products could be a valuable tool for controlling tumor growth: “The intake of honey-bee products may be advantageous with respect to cancer and metastasis [secondary cancers] prevention.” That secondary cancer or metastasis is often caused by chemo and radiation, by the way.
The Cancer Tutor, a site that specializes in sharing the most extensive list of empirically proven alternative cancer treatments and cures, includes a few that are “dirt cheap.” Honey is one of them.
The Cancer Tutor considers honey as an effective Trojan Horse to sneak in spices that are anticancer, such as ginger, cinnamon or turmeric.
Honey and Herbal Protocol for Cancer
Protocol #1 – Honey + Turmeric
- Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of ground turmeric, or 1 tbsp of turmeric paste. If you decide to use curcumin supplements, open 3-4 capsules and mix the powder with 1tbsp of raw honey.
Recipe for turmeric paste:
- Mix one part of ground turmeric with two parts of spring water in a saucepan.
- Gently heat the mixture while stirring.
- As it starts to thicken, you must stir it constantly to prevent scorching.
- Store in a glass jar and put in the fridge. (Will stay good for up to 2-3 weeks.)
Protocol #2 – Honey + Ginger
- Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of freshly ground ginger root.
Protocol #3 – Honey + Cinnamon
- Mist 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of cinnamon.
- Take any mixture at least 3 times per day. Dose can be increased as needed.
- Protocol #1 is the most potent of the three.
- These protocols can be used interchangeably or you can continue on with any one of the combinations individually.
All cancer treatments should be supported with the “cancer diet” as explained in the Cancer Tutor site here. Remember: Use only raw, unpasteurized honey and organic or wild non-irradiated herbs.
sources: Pubmed, bbc, naturalnews, naturalbloom