Boy Sets Up Lemonade Stand to Raise Money For His Friend’s Surgery

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

boy sets up lemonade stand to raise money for surgery

When a Canadian boy learned how much his best friend needed a costly surgery in the U.S., he decided to find a way to help pay for it.

Seven-year-old Quinn Callander from Vancouver Canada set up a lemonade stand to raise the necessary funds for his friend’s surgery.

His friend is Brayden Grozdanich, who has cerebral palsy and requires surgery. Brayden’s mother shared:

“He gets very frustrated because he’ll try and do something and he’ll get mad at himself because he’ll fall, like when he gets tired, he’ll trip a lot easier because his leg just sort of drags behind him.”

Boy's lemonade stand raises big $$$ for sick BFF

The surgery is extremely expensive at $15,000, not including the travel expenses required to get to New Jersey where the surgery is available, or the follow up physical therapy. There are other surgeries available closer to home, but they are of the more invasive variety and non preferable for a young boy. The family was preparing to take out a loan to cover the more expensive surgery, until Quinn stepped in.

Quinn has said:

“I’m raising money for my friend Brayden because he has cerebral palsy and he needs an operation that costs a lot of money.

“After I watched one of his physiotherapy things and I saw how hard it was for him, I asked my mommy and daddy if I could build a lemonade stand to raise money.”

Not surprisingly, this sweet campaign to raise funds had surpassed its initial goals. In addition to the lemonade stand fundraiser, Quinn’s mom helped to launch an online campaign to reach more people and raise even more money. They have shared that the generosity of friends, family, and strangers alike has been overwhelming. The initial goal set to cover necessary expenses was $20,000, but it’s already more than doubled that in raising a whopping $55,000.

boy sets up lemonade stand to raise money for surgery

“There are no words. There are no words. It’s unbelievable,” said Brayden’s mom. Brayden too is pretty excited about the whole thing, “Because it will help me walk,” he said.

The summary from Quinn on the fundraising page reads:


“Sometimes he can’t keep up with the rest of the other Beavers and he falls down a lot. Brayden get’s daily physio therapy to keep him walking. Sometimes it really hurts him. When I was at his physio, I tried to keep Brayden calm when he was in pain. My Mom told me Brayden is going to have a special surgery to help release the muscle tightness and spastic action. The surgery is not done here in Canada, only in the USA. Brayden and his Mom will be travelling there in August for the operation. Since the surgery is not done in Canada, Braydens Mom and Dad have to pay for it. The surgery will cost $20,000. Please help me raise money to help my friend Brayden, he is a really good guy.”

sources: 7online, abc7chicago, foxnews, youcaring
