How To Grow An Endless Supply of Ginger Indoors Using Nothing But a Container!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

how to grow ginger

Whether you have an upset stomach or a cold, drinking ginger tea can make all the difference. In fact, ginger has so many health benefits that it’s hard to list them all.

This small but powerful rhizome has been well researched for its medicinal properties against colds, sinus problems, fevers, morning sickness and nausea. It’s no wonder why people who drink ginger tea or use it in their meals often need to restock!

Fortunately, growing ginger in a container at home is easy.


Growing Ginger At Home Isn’t That Hard…

Step 1: Soak Your Ginger

Many ginger roots sold commercially are coated with a growth inhibitor, which prevent them from sprouting in the grocery store (even organic ones).

So, your first step after buying your ginger is to let it soak in water for 24 hours before slicing it up to plant.

Step 2: Look For Growth Buds

Look for pieces with well developed “eyes” or growth buds. (The buds look like little horns at the end of a piece or “finger”).
