13. Prevent Future Infestation

Once you’ve followed all the tricks above, you’ll want to make sure you don’t get another infestation- trust us.
Here are the steps you can take to keep your home clear of the pesky critters.
- Use sealant or caulk on any joints and cracks in your bed frames and headboards to make sure bugs have nowhere to hide in.
- Do not purchase or accept second-hand furniture or clothing if possible. If you do end up with used goods, bag them up and treat them as you would any infested objects.
- Before moving into an apartment or home, ask the landlord or buyer about bedbugs and do your research. If you suspect an infestation, have the home treated by a non-toxic exterminator before moving in.
Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of, so make sure to clean everything as often as possible during the course of the infestation.
Vacuum, wash, spritz, and isolate everything you can as soon as you catch a bug: it may seem like a hassle, but any surviving eggs or bugs will trigger another infestation.
With a bit of hard work and patience, and you’ll be rewarded with a great night’s sleep.