15 Ways Allicin From Fresh-Crushed Garlic Beats Big Pharma’s Best Drugs

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

garlic benefits

8. Prevents Heart Disease

Statin drugs have been prescribed for decades now to reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, as chronically high LDL has been linked to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and cardiovascular disease. Garlic regulates cholesterol, moderates blood pressure, helps in metabolizing fats, increases antioxidant levels, and prevents arterial plaque build-up. (20, 21, 22) Statin drugs are only marginally effective and can cause other serious conditions, such as liver damage, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegeneration.

9. Fights HIV/AIDS and Stomach Cancer

AZT (azidothymidine or dizovudine) is the drug cocktail used to treat human immunovirus (HIV) that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). It works by inhibiting the virus’ ability to replicate. AZT is potent and laden with adverse side effects. (23) When tested for its effect on stomach cancer cells, this drug was found to stall growth and so has been used in cancer chemotherapy as well.

Allicin in garlic is supremely effective against gastric cancer cells; two studies went so far to say that it works better than conventional chemotherapy drugs (including AZT) and with no toxic side effects. (24, 25)

While no studies have yet to explore garlic’s efficacy in treating HIV, it is known to be an anti-viral and immune system booster. One caveat: garlic is known to impede the actions of antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV (such as AZT) and is contraindicated for people already taking this type of medication. For those with HIV who are not taking conventional drugs, garlic may be an alternative. (26)

10. Lead Detox

Lead is a heavy metal neurotoxin for humans and its found in household products and even food. Garlic is more effective and safer for treating lead poisoning than its pharmaceutical counterparts. (27)

11. Prevents Lung Cancer

Garlic breath may be pungent but that’s how you know it’s working to support your lungs. The organosulfur compounds in garlic are especially supportive of lung health. One study found that eating raw garlic at least twice a week can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 44%. Allicin in garlic also fights pneumonia infection and eases congestion.
