15 Ways Allicin From Fresh-Crushed Garlic Beats Big Pharma’s Best Drugs

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

garlic benefits

4. Safe for Gut Bacteria

Part of the problem with antibiotic drugs is that they kill all bacteria, the friendly as well as the harmful. This is tremendously problematic, as probiotic bacteria are essential for fighting off invading organisms and overall human health. But garlic knows the difference. Better yet, garlic contains prebiotic oligosaccharides, which are non-digestible carbohydrates that feed resident probiotic (“good”) bacteria. (14)

5. Blood Pressure

In the Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, study results showed garlic to work better than atenolol, a popular beta-blocker hypertension medication. (15) Unlike beta-blockers, garlic reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension but not in people with normal blood pressure, so is safe for everyone. (16)

6. Prevents Blood Clots

Up until a few years ago, a daily aspirin was recommended by the medical establishment as a preventive measure against blood clots that can cause heart attack and stroke. That recommendation has been rescinded by the Food and Drug Administration. However, many medical professionals still advise it. When it comes to natural anti-coagulants, allicin is top of the list. “…allicin were [was a] significantly more potent platelet inhibitors than aspirin at nearly equivalent concentrations”. (17)

7. Stabilizes Blood Sugar

There’s no question that obesity and diabetes have become epidemic, especially in the industrialized world. Our bodies are overwhelmed by refined sugars and artificial sweeteners that stimulate insulin production, resulting in insulin resistance over time. High fructose corn syrup is almost ubiquitous in processed foods and is wreaking havoc with our bodies. Raw garlic moderates blood sugar levels and reduces inflammation and oxidative stress caused by consuming too much sugar . Furthermore, garlic improves insulin sensitivity to support our bodies’ own method of managing blood sugar. (18, 19)
