She Took a Selfie Everyday While Battling Depression. Here Is The result…It’s Truly Inspiring.

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

battling depression

YouTuber Rebecca Brown was diagnosed with trichotillomania, an impulse control disorder commonly associated with anxiety, when she was 11.

Trichotillomania is a unique disorder that causes a person to pull out their own hair when anxious.

For the past six-and-a-half years, from age 14 to 21, she has taken a photograph of herself every day, and has now compiled them into a montage.


The photos show her physical transformation, but we also pass through milestone moments of her life where she posts notes about her bouts of depression, suicidal tendencies and more.

We see her from long haired to short, to her first boyfriend, to her travels, to her first experiences in a hospital, and then back again. The notes she posts throughout the film help us see past the physical transformation and into what made Rebecca, Rebecca.

She Takes A Photo: 6.5 Years | BeckieJBrown

The physical transformation is mesmerizing to watch, but Rebecca leaves an important message for her viewers in the comments section.

“Beauty is more than what we see with the eyes. People are more than their conditions. I am more than my hair and skin. This only shows my exterior, I hope that people will check out my videos to see more of the girl inside,” she writes.

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