8 Remedies For Sciatica Pain You NEED to Try Before Putting Another Painkiller in Your Mouth

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

sciatica remedies

3. Chiropractic Adjustment

It was found in a 2010 study published in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy that “sixty percent of patients with sciatica who had failed other medical management benefited from spinal manipulation to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention.” (6).

Manipulating the spine can relieve pain, improve mobility, and reduce inflammation. Just make sure to consult a board certified chiropractor to avoid injury or malpractice.

4. Herbs and Oils

There are many herbs and essential oils that can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and offer general soothing. If you are taking any medication of any kind—including herbal or natural supplements or if you suffer from a serious medical condition, consult your healthcare provider or naturopath before taking something new.

Herbs can be taken as a tea, eaten with foods, or swallowed as a capsule. Following is a list of herbs known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve sciatica pain.

5. Ice Packs

A cold pack applied to the area of pain can reduce inflammation, thus relieving pain. It’s most effective when pain is worst, usually two to seven days after the onset of sciatica (7).

6. Alternate Cold and Hot

Alternating between hot and cold compresses on your lower will stimulate blood and lymph flow, relieving pain and giving your body a break.

You can also use hydrotherapy by taking a hot bath with Epsom salt and soothing essential oils to open up your blood and lymph vessels and follow up with an ice-cold shower to close them back up (8).

7. Yoga

Depending on the restriction of movement and intensity of pain, gentle stretching can help loosen the constricted muscles. Initially, stretching may be difficult and painful, but gently work through it and you’ll gain ease of movement and a reduction in pain.

8. Sleep

Sleep is the foundation for good health. When you aren’t sleeping well, your body has to work especially hard to heal whatever is out of balance. To help you sleep, take a soothing bath before bed, drink chamomile tea, and massage your feet.


With the easy tips above, your sciatica will quickly subside and you’ll finally feel better.

