5 Heart-Healthy Avocado Recipes That Will Supercharge Your Body

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

avocado recipes

Avocados are a surprising food in that, although they are high in fat, they are actually helpful when trying to lose weight. This is because  the monounsaturated fatty acids they contain are the type that are more likely to be used as slow-burning energy rather than stored as fat.

These same monounsaturated fats are also an excellent choice to include in your diet if you are looking to improve skin tone. This is partly because they help to maintain moisture levels in the top layer of skin (known as the epidermis) and partly because they include the essential omega-9 fat that can contribute to reducing red patches on the skin and help to repair damaged skin cells.

Tip: to encourage your avocados to ripen quicker, simply place them in a paper bag with a banana and watch how they ripen within 48 hours.

Below are five delectable recipes using avocados that prove a versatility for much more than just creamy guacamole.

1. Kiwi Avocado Smoothie

healthy avocado smoothie recipe

In addition to containing good levels of monounsaturated fats, “alligator pears” are also rich in phytosterols and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and a whole variety of carotenoids.[1]

By increasing your daily intake of carotenoids in the form of this delightful avocado smoothie, you help to reduce your chances of developing arthritis.[2]

Recipe @ feastingathome

2. Avocado & Watermelon Summer Salad

healthy avocado watermelon salad recipe

Take advantage of end-of-season watermelon! The creamy buttery texture of the avocado really goes down well next to the watermelon used in this uniquely presented salad recipe.

Just by eating the avo in this recipe, you are helping your eyes stay strong and healthy too as they are rich in the antioxidant lutein, which is vital for preventing age-related degeneration.


Recipe @ whisked
