This 30-Minute Yoga Session Before Bed Is Going To Help You Relax And Improve Your Sleep

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

yoga for sleep

Having trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. More thanĀ 40% of Americans report getting lessĀ than the recommended amount of sleep.(1) And as you probably already know, sleep is VERY important. Many medical studies have shown thatĀ a lack of sleep increases your risk ofĀ health problems and cognitive impairment.

If stress is preventing you from having a good night’s sleep, try this 30-minute yoga session. It’s perfect for beginners and for those who have the flexibility of a peanut. No need for complex stancesĀ and easyĀ to follow. Enjoy!

Easy Yoga For Sleep

Beginners Yoga For Deep Relaxation, Sleep, Insomnia, Anxiety & Stress Relief

