Top 10 Dangerous Habits That Damage Your Liver And The #1 Food To Help It Heal

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

liver damage

6. Taking Too Many Pills

The most common drug in this category is acetaminophen(6), which is found in Tylenol.

It’s generally a safe chemical to consume, even for people with fatty liver disease—but continuous and prolonged consumption can lead to liver damage.

Healthy individuals should limit their intake to 1000 mg per dose and 3000 mg per day.

7. Smoking

Among the many adverse aspects of smoking cigarettes is its effect on the human liver. It can both aggravate existing liver disease and cause liver damage.

One study(7) examined biopsies from over 300 patients with chronic hepatitis C and found that the cigarette smokers among them had sustained more liver damage than the non-smokers.

Another study, conducted in 2011, found a strong link between smoking and liver cancer.

8. Not Getting Enough B Vitamins

B-complex vitamins can’t reverse the effects of cirrhosis, but they can help lessen symptoms such as nerve damage and memory loss.

For some, vitamin B12 can be difficult to get except through supplements or treatments—but it’s important in your liver’s detoxification process.

It’s especially important for vegans to pay attention to their levels of B12, because the vitamin is found almost exclusively in animal products.


9. Holding It In

Make it a habit: as soon as you get up, urinate(9). Keeping your urine shut in your body means exposing your body to waste for longer than you need to.

When you urinate, you flush out toxins from your body, which promotes good liver and overall body health.

Toxins accumulate overnight, so by the time morning comes your body is well overdue for a session on the toilet.

10. Not Eating Breakfast

Holding off on that morning boost is just plain bad for your health. This practice is well-reputed to cause weight gain in the long-run—and weight gain, as we’ve already established, is no good for your liver.

Another reason to pack in a hearty breakfast(10) every morning is to make sure you set a non-toxic, non-processed, nutrient rich standard for the rest of your day. Your liver will definitely thank you one day.

Your liver keeps your body toxin-free. Treat it with care by avoiding processed foods and poisons of all sorts.

Learn More About The One Food To Heal Your Liver Here.

