The 7 New Rules of Lifting For Fat Loss

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

5. Don’t Forget to Rest

Working out every day might help you get into the habit of going to the gym, but it can also lead to overtraining injuries. Every few days, give yourself some time off to let your muscles recover. You’ll experience less pain and may even see results faster than if you don’t give those fibers a rest.

6. Train Your Brain

Weight lifting is a physical activity, sure, but there’s also a significant mental component. It can be extremely difficult to get through a set. There are a few different ways to approach this issue. For some, it’s a matter of hard discipline.

Others may choose to improve their focus with meditation outside of weight lifting. Regardless of how you approach the psychological aspects of weight lifting, it’s a good idea to leave your phone in the locker room, send your chatty friends to the other side of the gym, and visualize yourself succeeding at your set.


7. Shorten Your Workout

A long weight lifting session can be hard to fit into a day. Shorten it up by increasing weight and reducing the number of reps and consider cutting down your rest time in between sets to turn your workout into a cardio circuit, as well.

