This Is What Happens To Your Body The Day You Stop Eating Bread

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

stop eating bread

Bread is a staple of the western diet. Most restaurants always keep it stocked on the dinning table while many households serve it with every meal. It supplies about 20 percent of the total food calories worldwide. And while there’s nothing wrong with eating homemade bread every once in a while, processed bread really shouldn’t be eaten everyday.

If you find yourself eating that kind of bread during most of your meals, try giving up entirely for a month: You’ll feel more energized and less bloated!  There are many health benefits of not eating bread.

Health benefits of not eating bread

1. Weight Loss

As you probably know, one of the first foods cut out by most people trying to lose weight is bread (1).

This is because its high in refined carbohydrates, which makes your body accumulate water weight. It’s estimated that each gram of carbohydrates you eat binds up to 3-4 grams of water. This can leave you feeling bloated and large.

Eating refined grains also makes you more likely to gain visceral fat around your belly area (2).

2. Energy Boost

Wheat is known to cause quick rises in blood sugar levels, which is never a good thing. The glyphosate residue in the wheat also increases intestinal permeability, making it more likely for you to develop leaky gut syndrome.

According to Alessio Fasano, the Medical Director for The University of Maryland’s Center for Celiac Research, no one can properly digest gluten. And some people are more sensitive to it than others.
