See How Much Fat You Can Burn By Adding Prunes, Kefir And Oats To Your Morning Breakfast

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

soaked prunes

see-how-much-fat-you-can-burn-by-adding-prunes-kefirSkipping out on your first meal of the day is never a good idea, unless you actually know what you’re doing.

In most cases, not eating breakfast makes you more likely to pig out on calorie-dense snacks with little to no nutritional value (1).

If you don’t have time to make a big nutritious breakfast before work, this recipe is just what you need.

Fat-Busting Prune Smoothie

The perfect on-the-go breakfast to keep you full and burn belly fat by helping you keep your blood sugar levels steady.


  • 6 prunes
  • 100ml of boiled water
  • 2 tablespoon of quick-cook oats
  • 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseed
  • 1 teaspoon of raw cocoa powder
  • 300ml of kefir water or milk

Instructions :

  1. Soak the prunes in the water and let them sit, covered, for 10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Add the kefir to the dry ingredients and mix.
  4. Chop the soaked prunes and add to the bowl.
  5. Blend everything together at high speed
  6. Pour in some of the boiled water as you blend until you reach a smoothie-like consistency.
  7. Refrigerate in a sealed container overnight and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

How Does It Work ?

Prunes, oats and flaxseed contain insoluble fiber.

This dietary fiber helps you flush out harmful toxins that would otherwise be stored as fat. It also helps you feel full for longer.

In addition, these foods also lower blood sugar and cholesterol to improve your cardiovascular system along the way (2).


The University of Liverpool Institute’s of Psychology, Health and Society found that daily prune ingestion also increase weight loss more than healthy snack alone (3).

In the study, the test group was given 12 prunes a day as well as healthy eating tips. The control group received the tips but were not allowed to eat prunes.

After 12 weeks, the control group had lost 1.5kg of weight and 1.7cm from their waist. In comparison, the prune group had lost 2 kg weight and 2.5 cm off their waist. And this was achieved without exercise!

“These are the first data to demonstrate both weight loss and no negative side effects when consuming prunes as part of a weight management diet. Indeed in the long term they may be beneficial to dieters by tackling hunger and satisfying appetite; a major challenge when you are trying to maintain weight loss.” concluded Dr Jo Harrold, lead researcher.

Prunes are also full of potassium, vitamin K, Vitamin A and manganese (4).

Like any dried fruit, they can quickly elevate your blood sugar levels if eaten alone and in large quantities, but mixed in a smoothie, they’re just right.

