Where Do They Come From?
Some of these obesogens people know they’re taking, mainly in taking pharmaceuticals. Several drugs, mainly those used to treat diabetes, (DES) estrogen, SSRIs, anti- depressants, and anti-psychotics.
There are other obesogens[2] that we know are bad, we just didn’t know they made us fat. Nicotine, for example encourages obesity in the children of mothers who smoked when they carried them.
High fructose corn syrup is one, but I think we all kind of suspected that already. Pesticides, present in all the food we eat, has obesogens in them too. The worst part about all this, is that a lot of times, we’re ingesting obesogens without even knowing it. Like plastic for example, which contains Bisphenol-A (BPA), and BPA is a major obesogen.
Parabens are another one, these are in a shocking amount of hygiene products that you put on yourself every day. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is another one that’s been snuck into our bodies by its application in non-stick cookware—which almost anyone who eats at home uses, meaning pretty much everyone has this in their blood already.
Fortunately, the human body comes equipped with its own natural detox system and given enough time and care it can remedy the imbalance.
How to Reduce Your Exposure to Obesogens?
If you’re thinking that you have a lot of these in you already, and that damage has been done, you’re right. However, it’s never too late to substantially limit the intake of these obesogens and detoxify to a point.
Let’s take a look at how.
- If you’re on any of the above mentioned drugs, and you don’t absolutely need them, stop taking them.
- All of you expecting moms out there; don’t smoke. (but you already knew that right?)
- High fructose corn syrup is terrible for you in so many ways. Look at the ingredients of the food you eat and eradicate it from your diet.
- Eliminate pesticides from your diet by going organic and by washing your fruits and veggies with a natural pesticide removing solution.
- Remove the plastic from your home, don’t eat anything that has touched it either—FYI, most can liners contain BPA[3].
- Read the labels of anything that needs to be applied to your skin and eliminate parabens; use natural products.
- Non-stick cookware is garbage now, learn how to properly heat up a steel pan and go forth.