22 Proven Ways Water Makes You Awesome

by DailyHealthPost Editorial


18. Waterbeds can help some people with back pain.

Perhaps there’s a therapeutic reason that waterbeds were all the rage in the ’70s and ‘80s. Research indicates that waterbed mattresses are associated with improving back pain symptoms and providing a good night’s sleep (though the benefits were small).

19. It may help relieve congestion.

Stuffy nose got you down? Inhaling steam from a humidifier or pot of boiling water can help clear up congestion.

Salt water can also break up all the gunk that makes us stuffy: Stream it from one nostril to the other with a neti pot or try a saline nose spray to loosen things up.

20. Spa therapy could relieve pain and aid relaxation.

If you suffer from chronic pain, a hot-water soak could help. A review of spa therapy (soaking in baths of hot water or mineral water) showed that it has been an effective treatment for pain and rheumatic disorders.

21. Soaking up steam heat is good for the heart.

Relaxing in a sauna could be as healthy as it is calming.

In one small study, participants who sat in a sauna for 15 minutes every day for three weeks showed improved heart function and blood pumping capabilities, and were able to exercise more.

Researchers concluded that sauna therapy could be an effective complement or alternative treatment for some people with chronic heart failure.

22. Swimming around in it works out the body and mind.

Swimming has been found to improve long-term physical and mental health and is a great option for anyone who wants an impact-free cardio workout.

Those seeking peace of mind might consider diving in too; spending time in the pool is believed to reduce depression.
