How To Make A DIY Warming Rub For Sore Muscles
- about 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 1 1/4 cups finely grated, packed cocoa butter (I used a cheese grater)*
- 2 tablespoons cayenne powder
- 2 teaspoons ginger powder
- 15 drops peppermint oil**
- 15 drops eucalyptus oil
- 8 drops clove oil***
- 1 teaspoon arrowroot powder or non-GMO cornstarch (optional – reduces oily finish)
* If you prefer to skip grating and use weight to measure the total should be about 2 oz
** Omit if using on children under five
*** Clove oil is used in teething products for babies so it is probably okay for children, but it is very strong. You may consider cutting it in half or omitting it based on your child’s feedback.
- double boiler (or a pot that fits inside another pot)
- cheesecloth or old t-shirt
- chilled bowl
- mixer
1. Place coconut oil, cayenne and ginger powder in a double boiler and gently warm the oil. Be careful not to let it get hot because the smell of cayenne will fill the room and make you cough. (Not that I would know that from experience – ahem).
2. Once the oil is slightly warm give it a stir and then turn off the burner. Allow it to sit for half an hour and then repeat the process. Do this a couple of more times (2 hours total) and then remove from heat completely. Set aside the oil to infuse for longer (I prefer overnight) or move on to step three – it’s up to you!
3. Place bowl in freezer so it will be nice and cold when needed
4. Using a cheesecloth or old t-shirt, strain the mixture mixture over a measuring cup. After straining out the spices, add enough coconut oil so that the final amount is 1/2 cup.
5. Add the arrowroot powder and mix thoroughly.
6. Place the infused coconut oil in the fridge/freezer until it is cool/semi-solid on top. Don’t let it harden all the way through or it will be very difficult to whip!
7. Place the infused coconut oil and cocoa butter in chilled bowl and add your essential oils. Mix on highest setting until peaks form (a stand mixer or old-fashioned hand mixer will both do the trick).
8. Store in an airtight jar – Amber or cobalt are best but a clear jar is fine if kept out of direct sunlight (which promotes oxidation).
source: mommypotamus