6 Tips on How to Eat Well In the Workplace

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

Keeping up with your healthy eating plan at work can be extremely hard. Maybe you don’t have a kitchen, maybe your working environment focuses around ordering takeout for meetings or going out to lunch as a group.

You may be faced with co-workers bringing in unhealthy snacks to share or you may find your energy waning in the afternoon and reach for something sugary for a boost. Here are six tips on how to eat healthy on working days.

1. Eat Breakfast at Home

Think about the type of breakfast you typically get if you eat on your way to work or once you get there: a greasy egg sandwich, a bagel, maybe a sugar-infused muffin or danish. Eating breakfast before you get to work (or bringing breakfast from home) gives you far more options.


Your healthy options instantly expand to things like granola with fruit and yogurt, some egg whites and veggies in a wrap, or a cup of oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit. Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast to curb mid-morning hunger.

2. Don’t Eat At Your Desk

Take time away from your desk to mindfully eat your food. If you eat at your desk, you’ll probably be distracted and try to eat quickly, resulting in the consumption of more calories than you intended. Plus, getting up gives you a chance to walk around, stretch, and burn off a little energy.
