There are many kinds of foods that can cause stomach bloating, but you can work to prevent it by eating a proper diet. Getting enough fiber and potassium are two keys to preventing belly bloating. It’s also important to stay hydrated. Keep reading to find out what foods can help you keep bloating to a minimum.
1. Yogurt with Probiotics
The healthy bacteria in yogurt with probiotics can help you bring down belly bloat. These good bacteria can ease digestion and are generally regarded as helpful for the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics can also be taken in pill form to aid in digestion. These helpful bacteria can reduce bloating significantly for some people. Probiotics help to maintain a healthy microbial environment in your stomach and intestines.
2. Asparagus
Asparagus is a great food for beating the bloat. One cup of this vegetable contains almost no sodium and 400 mg of potassium, a nutrient known to help reduce water weight and gas. Asparagus can help you reduce bloating and make your stomach feel better and flatter.
3. Watermelon
Watermelon – and melons more generally – have a great combination of water, potassium, and Vitamin C that make them a natural diuretic.
Watermelon or other melon are also high in potassium, containing anywhere between 170 and 430 milligrams of potassium in a cup. Because melon is about 91% water, it can help to improve digestion and reduce bloating.
4. Kellogg’s All-Bran
Fiber can both aid and cause bloating – the key is to add fiber slowly and drink plenty of water. Kellogg’s All-Bran is a great way to get the necessary fiber in your diet. Make sure to distinguish between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.
All-Bran offers both kinds of fiber and helps to bring water into your intestines to speed the digestive process. This efficient digestion helps to reduce bloating.
5. Baked Potato with Skin
Baked potatoes with the skin contain lots of potassium to reduce bloating. The skin is also a good source of fiber. This nutritional combination can help keep stomach bloating to a minimum.
6. Water
Water is the number one thing that you can consume to help reduce bloating. While it may seem that bloating is caused by excess water weight, drinking plenty of water can help you to digest more smoothly and keep bloating to a minimum.
Water is your best bet for hydration since it has no salt, sugar, or dyes. Drink plenty of water each day to keep bloating at bay.
In addition to eating these great foods, there are also plenty of foods you should avoid to keep bloating to a minimum.
Foods that you should definitely avoid to reduce bloating are beans, cabbage, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, broccoli, chewing gum, and brussels sprouts. Constant bloating can also be a sign of intestinal disorder such as IBS or Celiac Disease, so if you have frequent bloating, check with your doctor.
What foods do you eat to keep bloating at bay? Share in the comments!