5. Jumping Jacks
These are a classic. You might not think much of it, but there’s a reason why it’s still being used in the military. Jumping jacks work different muscles that are often neglected in a running program.
For this exercise you should try to do 60 seconds of jumping jacks with 20 seconds of rest. Repeat this cycle for a total of 15 minutes.
6. Indoor Rowing
Anyone can do it. Old, young, good knees or bad knees, indoor rowing is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints.
A 160-pound person will burn about 250 calories in just 30 minutes of rowing, which is as much, if not more than, what you would burn on the stair climber or the elliptical. (3)
7. Sandbag Workout
This mays seem silly but it’s actually a lot of fun.
8. Swimming
Ever notice how most swimmers have very lean physique? According to the American Heart Association, just 30 to 60 minutes of swimming 4 to 6 days a week can help individuals both lose weight and reduce health risks such as stoke, diabetes and heart disease (4).
9. Stair Climber
When done properly, stair climbers can provide a challenging cardio workout as well as strengthen the lower-body muscles.
10. Fat-Tire Biking
Although the fat tires make the technical trails easier to tackle, the activity itself is quite the workout. Riding a fat-tire bike during the winter can burn well over 1,000 calories per hour, depending on the terrain and conditions. (5)