These 8 Brilliant Yoga Poses Will Fix The Damage Your Desk Job Is Doing To Your Body

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

yoga poses desk job

4. Downward-facing dog


Downward facing dog is one of the most known yoga poses. It is a standing pose and mild inversion that builds strength as you stretch your entire body. Start out on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders (your fingers stretched apart and pointing toward the top of the mat) and your knees directly under your hips. Firm your hands down, pressing through the outer edges of your palm and your fingertips. Tuck your toes under keeping your feet hip distance apart. As you exhale, draw your belly-button back toward your spine, pressing the floor away from you as you lift your hips back and up to push yourself back into an upside-down V pose. At first, you can keep your knees bent slightly, but as you progress, you will need to straighten your legs. Press your upper arms toward each other with your shoulder blades down along your spine. Align your ears with your upper arms. Relax your head—don’t dangle it, however. Look between your legs or toward your belly-button and hold for 5-100 breaths.

5. Bow pose


This is a wonderful pose for your neck. It relaxes your neck muscles and improves postures, although it can be a hard pose for at first. Start by lying on your stomach and then grab your feet from behind to lift your legs and chest to form a “bow.” Stay in this position for as long as you can and then return to the starting position.

6. Sphinx pose


The sphinx Pose is a beginning backbend in yoga that helps to open your chest, lungs, and low back. It is fairly easy and can allow you to focus on your breathing. It helps lengthen your spine and reduce lower back pain. Start by lying on your stomach. Place your lower arms on the floor with your hands facing forward to the top of the mat and shoulder-width apart. Raise you head and arch your back slightly. Hold the pose as long as you would like as you breathe gently in and out.

7. Slow Neck Stretches 


This is a great way to loosen your neck after a long day of sitting over a computer or at a desk as well as prevent chronic aching from constantly looking down all day. The wonderful thing about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere at any time. Start by sitting in a cross-legged pose or if you like, you can do this standing. Next, lean your head to the right and then extend your left arm and hand toward the ground until you feel a deep stretch on the corresponding side of your neck. Breathe deeply as you stretch and hold for a few slow breath. Repeat on the other side.

8. Cat and Cow Pose


This pose if the best one for stretching your lower back and spine. It is another one that is great for pre- and post-yoga programs and can also be used for a stretching warmup and/or cool down in with any athletic exercise. Start with your hands and knees on the floor in a “tabletop position.” As you inhale, round your spine and curve it up like a cat. As you exhale, arch your back and lift your chest to make a cow pose (the opposite direction—push your stomach toward the floor). Do this slowly as you breathe as many times as you want.
