These 8 Brilliant Yoga Poses Will Fix The Damage Your Desk Job Is Doing To Your Body

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

yoga poses desk job

It can further reduce glucose levels, thus help to prevent diabetes according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (7)

It can increase your memory and overall brain function according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. (8)

It can also help improve cardiovascular health, including lowering blood pressure according to a study published in The journal of Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome. (9) And obviously, for people who sit all day, yoga is amazing for stress, lower back issues and pain in general.

While you may not be able to do much about having to sit during your job, there are a few things you can do to counter the negative effects using yoga—and here are 8 of the best yoga exercises to help you get started.

1. Mountain pose

This pose is one of the simplest and most effective yoga exercises and should be the one you start and finish with. It not only helps stretch your back but as well, your legs. This pose is great for releasing the pressure of scrunching over a keyboard all day. The mountain pose is the foundation for all of the standing postures and can greatly improve your overall posture and stability. It is also used to open your chest and back. Start by standing in a comfortable position with your feet hips-width apart. Next, bring your hands up over your head with your palms facing forward and your thumbs hooked as you bend gently backward as you breathe deeply.

2. Standing Forward Fold


From the mountain pose, exhale forward hinging at the hips. Bend your knees enough to bring your palms flat to the floor and your head pressed against your knees. Feel your spine stretch in the opposite direction as you pull your head down and in and press your hips upward. Work on straightening your legs in order to deepen your stretch in the backs of your legs. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths as you concentrate on pressing your belly into your thighs as you inhale. To release the pose, bend your knees as you keep your back straight. Inhale as you move your arms out to your sides and then bring your torso up back into Mountain pose. If you can’t go all the way, use a support to lower yourself as low as possible.

3. Cobra pose


If you spend a lot of time hunched over while sitting, this is a great pose to stretch your lower back and relieve any back pain. It also helps to strengthen you core muscles. Start by lying on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and your forehead resting on the ground. Make sure to keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels touching. Next, place palms on the floor straight under your shoulders while keeping your elbows parallel and close to your torso. Pull a long, deep breath in and slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen as you essentially try to keep your belly-button on the floor. Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands. You should look like a Cobra with its hood raised, hence the name of the pose. Try to hold the pose 15 to 30 seconds as you breathe easily. As you exhale, release the pose and go back down to the floor.
