Relieve Your Stiff Neck In Seconds With These 21 Simple Tricks!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

stiff neck remedies

17. Make Your Own Warming Lotion

For all-natural pain relief on-the-go, combine 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper with 1 cup of olive oil into a thick paste. Apply to your sore neck twice a day when the pain hits.

You can also make a salve out of coconut oil and peppermint oil, if preferred. The right essential oils will work wonders on chronic pain without the side effects of muscle relaxers or narcotics medication.

18. Apply A Warm Compress

As you strengthen your neck muscles, there are a few things you can do to minimize pain as your muscles get stronger. Heat therapy is a simple and effective way to improve blood flow.

For one, apply a heating pad prior to exercise to warm up stiff muscles and joints and apply a cold pack after exercise to reduce inflammation. Plus, when you experience chronic neck pain, find relief by applying heat or cold as needed. Hot water running over your neck while you shower can also help.

19. Ask for a Hand

If you can’t reach your own sore muscles and the foam roller isn’t cutting it for you- ask for help! Get your partner or family member to loosen up your knots or book a gentle massage appointment at your local spa. You may also consider chiropractic care in addition to hot compresses and essential oils as part of a healthy living regimen.
