5 Warning Signs of Poor Blood Circulation In The Body

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

signs of poor circulation

1. Reduced Brain Performance

The brain needs fifteen to twenty percent of your entire blood supply to work. (3) If there’s poor circulation and not enough blood gets to the brain, you may experience lapses in memory or lax cognition.

One study showed that if the heart doesn’t pump blood fast enough, a consequence is decreased blood flow to the brain. (4) Over time, inadequate blood supply can result in dementia, other cognitive decline, and advanced aging of the brain in general. (5) Decreased blood supply to the brain can also lead to stuttering and other impairments. (6)

One way to improve blood circulations is by exercising regularly. (7)

2. Cold Hands and Feet

Poor circulation is most evident in the extremities. Cold or numbness, wounds that take a long time to heal, brittle toe nails, or bluish or cracked skin of the feet and hands can indicate they’re not getting enough blood. Diabetics especially often experience poor circulation, causing pain and sometimes disability of the feet. (8)

3. Fatigue

Just as it’s hard to go about your day if you don’t eat, on the microscopic level, cells don’t function well if they don’t receive the nutrition and oxygen they need. Your body automatically prioritizes the processes that have the greatest need for blood (like the brain and heart) and can cut back on the supply to other organs and bodily systems. Sore muscles, shortness of breath, and general fatigue is one of the most common signs of poor circulation.

4. Lack of Appetite

Poor blood circulation can affect the digestive system, starting with the liver and extending into the intestines. The liver filters the blood and is also nourished by it.

Additionally, blood flow is important to the entire digestive tract, as plasma is created there and picks up nutrients to deliver to the rest of the body.
