Did you know that up until recently, the soybean was not even considered fit to eat? Although it has been around for centuries—since the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 BC)—all indications show the plant was not originally eaten, but used in crop rotation for regulating nitrogen levels in the soil.

It wasn’t until later in the dynasty when fermentation techniques were discovered that soy was used as a food in the form of natto, miso, tempeh and soy sauce (all fermented versions of soy.)
Further into the 2nd century BC, Chinese scientists happened upon tofu, which was made using a purée of cooked soybeans infused with calcium sulfate or magnesium sulfate—essentially “plaster of Paris” or “Epsom salts—which gave it that smooth, pale curd look.
While fermented foods and tofu began to spread across Asia, the Chinese never ate unfermented tofu. They knew the soybean was full of “antinutrients” (natural toxins), including potent enzyme inhibitors that actually block your ability to digest protein.
And this is only a portion of what unfermented soy can do to your body. There are over 170 studies that specifically confirm the dangers of eating soy.
Despite this, soy manufacturers have jumped on the anti-dairy bandwagon, pushing their soy-based products at every lactose intolerant individual looking for an alternative to dairy.
They have even gone after America’s weight loss industry, suggesting soy is low in calories and can even help lower cholesterol.
In short, they have turned soy into the miracle alternative that will keep you healthy, strong and thin. But nothing is further from the truth!
First, let’s have a look at what is actually in your soy milk:
Soymilk Ingredients
- Soymilk (Filtered Water
- Whole Soybeans)
- Cane Sugar
- Sea Salt
- Carrageenan
- Natural Flavor
- Calcium Carbonate
- Vitamin A Palmitate
- Vitamin D2
- Riboflavin (B2)
- Vitamin B12.
All of these sounds innocent enough. There are even some vitamins, and who doesn’t need vitamins?