This Anti-inflammatory Drug Destroys Your Immune System, Fight Inflammation With These Foods Instead

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

prednisone side effects

Prednisone Side Effects

The side effects of prednisone normally only last as long you’re on the medication. However, some of the side-effects are permanent and will continue even after prednisone clears your system (5).

1. Infections

Prednisone hinders your body’s ability to fight off bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections.

It’s been found responsible for an increased risk of the reactivation of tuberculosis.This is problematic because tuberculosis is one of the most fatal infections in the world (6).

It can also increase your risk of more common infections like the cold and flu.In fact, patients are warned to avoid people infected with chicken pox or measles. If you do end up getting ill, tell your doctor right away.

2. Eye Damage

People taking prednisone need to undergo periodic eye examinations because they are more susceptible to cataracts and glaucoma. This occurs because the medication increases intraocular pressure (the fluid pressure inside the eye) (7).

Most steroid-induced eye problems disappear immediately or shortly after you stop taking the drug. However, in rare cases, glaucoma persists after quitting the medication.

According to a study published in Drugs And Aging “Patients over 40 years of age and with certain systemic diseases (e.g. diabetes mellitus, high myopia) as well as relatives of patients with POAG are more vulnerable to corticosteroid-induced glaucoma.” (8).

3. High Blood Sugar

One of the most common side effects of prednisone is that the drug can worsen or even trigger diabetes.

This occurs because corticosteroids increase insulin resistance, which causes blood glucose levels to rise and remain higher (9).


People who have a family history of diabetes, who are overweight, who’ve experienced gestational diabetes or who are over 40 are more likely to experience this side-effect.
