Cancer Feeds on Sugar. Don’t Feed it and it Dies, or at Least Stops Growing.
The foods eaten on a ketotonic diet are high in healthy fats (like coconut oil and raw nuts) and protein (like organic meat, eggs, and raw dairy). Your body will extract the nutrients it needs from these and the smaller percentage of complex carbohydrates (vegetables) allowed.
When used in relation to the management of epilepsy, the percentages of food types are: 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate.[2] For adult weight loss or to keep cancer in check, the proportions change a bit to: 40% fat, 30% protein, and 30% carbohydrate.
A ketogenic diet can be beneficial for adults with Type 2 diabetes or trying to lose weight. Although the diet is high in fat, those fats are monounsaturated and saturated from natural sources.
It won’t raise your cholesterol level or put you at risk for heart disease. A “modified ketogenic” diet for extended weight loss and maintenance includes medium-chain fatty acids (coconut oil) and short-chain fatty acids (avocado, chia seeds, sprouted nuts).
Never say die-t.
The word “diet” often evokes a negative reaction and psychologically it can be difficult to maintain because you feel like you’re sacrificing or denying yourself. If you are a bread or pasta lover, you’ll miss it for a while. The high fat and protein content, however, makes you feel full and satiated and lasts longer in your system than a high-carbohydrate diet.