This Japanese Facial Massage Will Rejuvenate Your Skin And Make You Look 10 Years Younger

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

tanaka facial massage

this-japanese-facial-massage-will-rejuvenate-your-skinThe techniques used in this massage stimulates the lymph nodes, thus speeding up the discharge of toxins and excess fluids from your face.

This is an excellent routine to add to your skin care regimen, and will help reduce wrinkles, prevent sagging skin, improve puffy eyes and under-eye bags, and more.

Many who have tried the Tanaka massage technique swear by it and have experienced visible results within 2 weeks.

It can be a bit hard to memorize this whole routine but once you’ve practiced it a couple of times, it will become second nature.

Do this massage everyday in the morning for best results.

Tanaka Face Contouring

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should this massage be done?

It can be done safely every day. If you wake up with a puffy face, then this is a great time to do the massage to remove the puffy look.

Q: How long should the massage be done?


Generally the massage only takes about 3-5 minutes. You can treat yourself to a longer massage of 10-20 minutes if you want, but this is not recommended for those who have acne.

Q: What type of massage cream should I use?

Use a natural cream or oil that does not absorb into the skin quickly. A plain oil like sweet almond oil or coconut oil have enough “slip” to last through the massage and prevent any friction.
