6 Good Indoor Plants to Naturally Cool Your Home
If you don’t have these yet, you should!
1. Aloe Vera
This succulent is hardy and remarkably useful. Always great to have on hand for burns and rashes or as a moisturizer, aloe is highly medicinal for a variety of ills. When it comes to cleaning the air, aloe is among the most efficient houseplants for removing formaldehyde, long-term exposure to which can cause skin conditions, respiratory illness, and cancer. (5, 6) Because the aloe leaves retain a high water content, its temperature remains low. (7) Find suggestions for growing aloe at home here.
2. Areca Palm Tree
The areca palm is a popular houseplant because it is so pretty. It has large leaves and is an exceptional air purifier. What’s more, the areca palm has been dubbed “the most efficient air humidifier”. With the transpiration rate of a quart a day for a healthy 5-foot tree, that’s a lot of cooling going on. (8)
3. Fern
This type of plant likes it shady and moist because it grows from a spore rather than a seed. There are around 9000 types of ferns, though the Boston fern is specifically known for its ability to clean the surrounding air of volatile organic compounds (VOC), including formaldehyde and benzene. Keeping soil and fronds moist will maintain a healthy fern, in turn keeping the air clean and cool. (9, 10) Place ferns on tall furniture or in hanging baskets for optimal growth.
4. Ficus Tree
Also known as a “weeping fig”, the ficus is a highly decorative plant. Its ability to decontaminate the surrounding air is nothing short of amazing. One study found ficus leaves to absorb heavy metal particles like a sponge does water. (11) Another found ficus to be at the top of the list for removing benzene. (12) Transpiration is higher during the day than at night, meaning this plant will keep you cool when you need it most. (13)
A ficus will grow well under fluorescent lights and is adept at absorbing sound, making it a good option for an office environment. (14, 15) To really spoil your plant, keep it in a bright room near a window and watch its leaves multiply before your eyes!
5. Golden Pothos
This is an easy-to-grow plant with large deep green leaves that grow on a vine. Golden pothos is highly effective at removing indoor pollutants benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and ozone. (16) Pothos grow well in soil and in water-filled vases, but they should be kept away from household pets since the plant is highly toxic.
6. Snake Plant
Some may know this as “mother-in-law’s tongue”. This plant (along with golden pothos and spider plant) was tested for effectiveness in reducing indoor ozone, a common pollutant and oxidant. All three were effective in steadily reducing ozone levels. (17)
The snake plant is supremely easy to grow, requires little attention, and will get quite large if it’s not over-watered.
Bottom line
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) performed a comprehensive study in 1989 of 12 good indoor plants for the purpose of air pollution abatement. You can find the entire report here.
Making use of plant transpiration for indoor comfort is an easy alternative to air conditioning. Plus, they improve the larger issues of global warming and air toxicity indoors and out. Increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide reduce transpiration of land plants, so the more plants you keep, the better they will be at cooling your home. (18)
Most of all, fostering the growth of good indoor plants is beneficial for your home and crucial for the planet, so plant away!