Study: Kitchen Sponges Are 200,000 Times Dirtier Than a Toilet Seat (And 17 Other Super Dirty Items)

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

kitchen sponges

7. Your Toothbrush

Even your sacred toothbrush is not safe from nasty bacteria, fungi and germs, including things like staph and herpes simplex, which can survive for months.

Studies show that your toothbrush has more than 100 million bacteria living in it. (7) And these germs only multiply in the damp bristles, which you then put into your mouth every time you brush your teeth.

To avoid this issue, always allow your toothbrush to dry between brushings and clean it regularly with peroxide and vinegar. Change out the brush often—every three month or so if you have been sick.


And just to add insult to injury, did you know that every time you flush the toilet with the lid up, bacteria from the water spray 25 cm above the rim? (8) And guess where they land? Right on your toothbrush if it is within reach. So, keep it away from the toilet and always flush with the toilet seat down.

8. Your Favorite Makeup Brush

If you are like 72 percent of all women, you likely never wash your makeup brush. According to a study this can lead to a buildup of dirt and bacteria that can not only cause nasty facial outbreaks, but as well other health issues. (9)

Wash your makeup brushes once a week in warm water and a couple of teaspoons of baking soda and let soak for about 20 minutes.

9. Your Purses

You set your purse down on many different surfaces without thinking about it. So, it shouldn’t surprise you that your purse can end up infested with germs.

What’s more disturbing is that a study showed that 33 percent of all purses had actual fecal bacteria on them! (10)

Wipe or wash them off regularly (the handles, the bottom, and any other surfaces you can and try to avoid setting them on the bathroom floor whenever possible.


10. Your Remote Control

That’s right, men. Your trusty remote control, while you may think you are in control of it, this little device not only rarely gets cleaned, but it is touched by every member of the family and even some of your guests.

Studies from hospitals show that remote controls have more germs on them than any other items including MRSA, which surprisingly was not found on any other objects! (11)

So, make sure to clean your remote controls every other week—and while you’re at it, clean any game consoles etc.

11. Light Switches

Did you know your bathroom light switch can be as germ-infested as a typical garbage can?

Well, researchers at Simmons College in Boston have concluded that even when people wash their hands, bacteria still finds its way to these switches. (12)

The light switches in a hotel room are among the most contaminated surfaces according to another study.


You can counter these bacteria by wiping them down weekly and if you are in a hotel, wipe the switch with a damp, soapy cloth, or some people carry antibacterial wipes with them when travelling.

12. Your Steering Wheel

You don’t often think of your steering wheel as something that is covered in germs, but according to a study, your steering wheel may actually have nine times more germs than a public toilet seat! (13)

So, next time you get in the car, think about where your hands have been and then plan on doing a thorough cleaning of all surfaces at least every few weeks.

Other Super Dirty Things

While these 12 may be some of the dirtiest items, there are some other close contenders that include your friendly “Welcome Mat,” which is your home’s first defence against bacteria and germs (14) and coffee machines, which can contain over 4 million bacteria colonies such as mold, E. coli, staphylococcus and streptococcus. (15)

Your phone is also home to germs and in many cases can have as much as 10 times the bacteria as a toilet seat.(16)

You may also want to consider your headphones or ear buds the next time you put them on your head since a study showed that if you use your earphones a lot, it increases bacterial growth in your ear by as much as 86 percent and as well, 62 percent of earphone sampled in the study contained significant bacteria. (17)


And forget about sharing your ear buds because another study showed harmful bacteria on 92 percent of ear swabs from people who regularly share their earphones with friends! (18)

Other studies show that your favorite gym and all of the equipment in it, are festering with bacteria. In fact, the treadmills alone have 74 times more bacteria than a water faucet and the free weights have 362 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. (25)